
2005 Dickens celebration


The Dr. Eugene Clark Library, the Lockhart Business Committee and the City of Lockhart are preparing to step back in time as the 16th Annual Dickens Christmas in Lockhart draws near.
This year’s event will begin at 5 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 2 as vendors begin opening food, arts and crafts booths on the Courthouse Lawn. A wide variety of vendors stands ready to share gif

t ideas as the Holiday Season descends on Lockhart.
For the first time, the Dickens’ Costume Parade will be combined with the Annual Lighted Parade, beginning at 7 p.m. on Friday. In addition to grandeur of the parade, several local businesses have “Decked the Halls” for the holidays, participating in a decorations contest. Participating downtown businesses will remain open until at least 8 p.m., offering special holiday deals in connection with the festival.
On Saturday, vendors will peddle their wares on the Courthouse Lawn while the entertainment moves up the block to the Dr. Eugene Clark Library for the 16th Annual Dickens Christmas in Lockhart.
Plans for this year’s Dickens include authentic Victorian decorations, live performances, carriage rides, choirs, jugglers, train rides, a Birds of Prey show and thousands of holiday lights.
A special surprise is planned, as well. According to the Friends of the Library, snow in Lockhart is a guarantee.
Father Christmas will be on hand all day Saturday to hear Christmas wishes.
The Holiday Tour of Homes is also scheduled in connection with Dickens. Tours will begin at 1 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 3, and will continue until 5 p.m.
For information or to participate in Dickens’ events, contact the Lockhart Chamber of Commerce at 398-2818 or the Dr. Eugene Clark Library at 398-3223.


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