
Four arrested in multi-city burglary ring


Lockhart police were instrumental last week in breaking up an organized crime ring that has been targeting Central Texas car washes for the last several months.

According to Capt. John Roescher of the Lockhart Police Department, four individuals, a Bastrop County couple and two Austin residents, were arrested last week after a tip from the Seguin Police Department su

ggested they might be in, or traveling through, Lockhart after performing burglaries in that area.

Acting on the tip, Lockhart police located the foursome at an area restaurant after the investigation of a burglary at the Lone Star Car Wash on South Main Street. Money stolen in that burglary, as well as the tools most likely used to perform it and several others like it, were recovered when the suspects were arrested.

All four were charged with Engaging in Organized Criminal Activity, a third degree felony. Additionally, one of the suspects was charged with Tampering with an Identification Number, because he was driving a stolen truck on which the VIN plates had allegedly been replaced.

The investigation and arrest revealed the four had not only been involved in other burglaries in Lockhart, but had connections to similar thefts in San Marcos, Bastrop and Seguin.

Each of the suspects are currently being held in the Caldwell County Jail, pending bail, and the investigation is ongoing.

Anyone with information on similar burglaries is encouraged to contact the Lockhart Police Department at (512) 398-4886.


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