
Here at the House – Respect the Uniform


By Rep. John Cyrier

Growing up, I was always taught to “respect the uniform.” My late father is a Marine veteran of the Korean War and the father of four boys, of whom I am the youngest. He died when I was only 18 years old, but I still carry his lessons with me. I learned to respect the uniform not simply because it demonstrates authority but because it involves sacrifi


Watching the news and staying apprised of state business over the past few weeks, I have thought often of my father and all those who wear a uniform—the men and women of our armed forces and also the peace officers who risk their lives every day to keep our families safe at home.

These past few weeks, we have seen persistent anti-police rhetoric from certain individuals and groups. This has become manifest as violence and even brutal murders committed against officers of the law. A Harris County sheriff’s deputy was recently murdered in a gas station parking lot simply because of his uniform. He left behind a wife and two children.

My father’s lesson has never been truer. Respect the uniform.

Yet, some have criticized people for saying “police lives matters” in response to this awful violence. In fact, this past week, one young man had his pickup truck vandalized with $5,000 in damage because he wrote “police lives matter” across his back window.

How tragic that it has become politically incorrect to denounce violence against peace officers. However politically incorrect, it is a message that our nation needs to hear. Police lives matter. All lives matter.

I am thankful that Governor Abbott recently declared that “heinous and deliberate crimes against law enforcement will not be tolerated in the State of Texas.” I wish that our President would show the same resolve.

The men and women who wear the uniform of a peace officer—our sheriff’s deputies, police officers, state troopers—risk their lives to protect ours. A safe and orderly society requires these officers to fight crime and protect our God-given rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

I fear for our society’s future if it is no longer deemed acceptable to respect the uniform and honor the dignity and sacrifice of those who risk their lives to protect ours. Greater love hath no man than to lay down his life for his friends, reads the Scriptures.

Whenever I see a member of our armed forces or a combat veteran in uniform, I always thank them for their service. I hope that you will join me in extending this same spirit of gratitude toward our peace officers. Whether you see an officer in passing or perhaps even at your car window, please remember their sacrifice and thank them for their service. Remember their spouses and their children, and pray for their safety.


Rep. John Cyrier is serving his first term as State Representative for District 17. You can reach him at his capitol office or new district office in downtown Bastrop at (512) 463-0682, or email


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