
Letters – Volunteer Coordinator thanks community


To the Editor:
The Volunteer Mobile Emergency Response Unit (VMERU) would like to thank all of its volunteers and donors in Caldwell County for their support during and after the response to Hurricane Ike.
The unit was deployed in Lockhart to help with logistical support of county Emergency Management and Public Safety agencies.

VMERU is a not-for-profit t

rust, dedicated to the well-being of community First Responders. Its focus is on six counties in Central Texas: Bastrop, Caldwell, Fayette, Hays, Travis and Williamson counties. We are a one of the newest affiliate members of Central Texas Volunteer Organizations Aiding in Disasters (VOAD). Our typical mission is emergency scene care for emergency workers at large scale incidents.

For more information you may visit us at or if you would still like to contribute to the efforts of taking care of our neighbors (police, Fire and EMS only)who have had devastating loss as a direct result of Hurricane Ike you may call us at (512) 215-4595.

Our Christmas drive will run from Nov. 1 – Dec. 23 for the benefit of families of firefighters, EMS and police officers who may otherwise had been forgotten this year. We will be collecting unwrapped toys, male-female personal gifts for these first responders. While we appreciate donations of money, we ask our donors to recognize that gifts are preferred, because so many stores in the affected areas are no longer functioning. To find out how you can help, call Cheryl Lassiter at (512) 897-0032.

Cheryl Lassiter


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