Letters – Golden Age Home thanks firefighters


Dear Editor:
Please help me convey my thanks to those who assisted Golden Age Home in battling an onslaught of smoke from a nearby fire. On Saturday, Dec. 22, a fire from the night before on adjacent property was rejuvenated by a strong Texas wind. The fire cleaned off about 8 acres of grass and weeds from our property. We might have appreciated that had the smoke not

eased on in to our 1960 Personal Care building.
Visitors and our wonderful staff members in both buildings moved our Personal Care residents from their homes into our nursing home building. Personal Care residents do not particularly relish “crossing over” to the nursing home but they were greeted with lunch and a Christmas party and generally had a good time.
As I watched the fire and the labor of our firefighters, I realized that thanks need to go to the volunteer fire department members who arrived with water trucks. They slowly but surely surrounded the hot areas and made us safe. I noticed trucks from Maxwell, Chisholm Trail, and Dale. I am sure that other groups and individuals helped and I thank them all.
It”s good to know when a problem arises we are situated in a nice small town where volunteers can make such a difference for us. It”s also good for this Mississippian to know that Texas winds do sometimes change directions and make things better!
Mary E. Carroll


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