
Homelessness discussion Thursday at library


By Kyle Mooty

LPR Editor

Homelessness in Lockhart is growing at such a rapid rate, it is uncertain the actual number.

Mayor Lew White said about 12 individuals had been identified as homeless, but he said he had talked to a local pastor who believed the number is likely five times larger. They are sleeping in abandoned homes and buildings.

White noted a harsh winter was in the forecast, which could lead to dangerous issues for the homeless.

A discussion on the issue of the Homeless in Lockhart will be held on Thursday, Dec. 14, at 11:30 a.m. in the Council’s chambers on the third floor of the Dr. Eugene Clark Library annex. The City Council will be on hand.

The main topic of the discussion regards major causes of homelessness, identifying community resources, assisting individuals experiencing homelessness, and exploring potential strategies to mitigate the effects of homelessness in public open spaces in Lockhart.

There will be no deliberation or formal action taken by the City Council.

In other business:

An item to be determined at a future meeting was addressed as Councilmember John Lairsen is proposing a creation of an Animal Shelter Advisory Board, which hopes to include, among others, an employee of the City of Lockhart, and Caldwell County, the Animal Shelter, a licensed veterinarian, two or three citizens, etc.

“We’re gonna have a lot more animals coming in with the explosive growth in our area,” Lairsen said. “About 7 are needed on the Advisory Board. Currently, Chief of Police is over the Animal Shelter.”

Mayor White said the subject was something the Lockhart community was “very passionate about.”

Mayor White will again represent the City of Lockhart on the Lockhart Clean Air Coalition.

The City Council will continue to meet on the first and third Tuesdays of each month on the third floor of the Dr. Eugene Clark Library in the Council chamber.

There is one conflict on Oct. 1 for National Night Out. There is no election schedule for the City of Lockhart at the General Election on Nov. 5, so that will be addressed at a later date if its needs to be rescheduled.

Mayor Pro-Tem Angie Gonzales-Sanchez was re-appointed to her role and approved unanimously by the Council.

City Manager Steve Lewis said the Downtown Park on the north side of the square had been decommissioned with the construction of a multi-purpose building going there.

“We appreciate very much the Smith family for allowing us to use it,” Lewis said. “It helped us out through many outdoor events.

Lewis said there would be a Downtown Revitalization Guide letting downtown businesses affected by the forthcoming construction to know important dates. The guide will also be available on the city’s web site.

Lewis said there will be maps, pre-construction tips, tip during the construction phase, a resourcing contacts list, and more in the guide.

Gonzales-Sanchez and other councilmembers praised the recent A Christmas to Remember in Lockhart.

Councilmember Lairsen said he had never seen a weekend like it in Lockhart. “It was phenomenal,” Lairsen said. “There was something to do every minute of the weekend. What A Christmas to Remember.”

Mayor White called the lighted parade at A Christmas to Remember “the best one ever.” He noted there were more than 50 floats.

The City will be meeting with Perry Homes regarding the City’s recent inclusion into a lawsuit with other municipalities against the company for petitioning to withdraw from the city’s ETJ.

At the Dec. 19 meeting of the City Council, there will be a send-off to retirement for City of Lockhart Attorney Monte Akers.


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