
Interest grows in vacant council seat


By LPR Staff



Filing is open for another week in the special called election to fill a vacant seat on the Lockhart City Council.

The At Large position vacated by the unexpected death of Kenny Roland last month will be filled by the voters at a special called election on May 9, 2015. The City of Lockhart will continue to

accept applications for places on the ballot until 5 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 27.

Presently, six would-be candidates have picked up packets, but only two have returned their applications.

Local business owner Brad Westmoreland has thrown his hat into the ring for his first foray in the political arena. Paul Gomez, a former holder of an At Large City Council seat, has also filed for a place on the ballot.

Four other candidates, Charis Bossevain, Richard Mendez, Quatermetra Hughes and Chris Shexnayder have also picked up application packets, but had not returned their filings as of press time.

Those interested in filing for a place on the ballot may pick up applications at Lockhart City Hall, 308 W. San Antonio St., in Lockhart. Applications must be returned before 5 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 27, for candidates to be considered.

For additional information, visit, or call (512) 398-3461.

Follow breaking news on the special called election in future editions of the Post-Register.



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