Lady Lions outgunned by Lady Rebs


By Alonzo Garza

Wednesday, Dec. 20 did not turn out to be a good day for the Lady Lion Basketball teams. Maybe it was the change of day or the different time of day each game was played, who knows, the point is that the change of schedule did not do anything to enhance the playing abilities of the Lady Lions. It didn”t help that the Hays Lady Rebel

s, to their credit, came to play. In any case, the games all ended in a loss for the Lady Lions. The Varsity did the very best they could to keep up with the Lady Rebels. It just never came together for them. They scored a total of 30 points only to end with a 30-57 score.
Junior Varsity ended with a devastating loss. Despite their best efforts, the final score was a lopsided 11-76.
The Freshman Lady Lions faired a little better even if they were a bit sluggish out on the court. Their final score ended with a 24-55 loss. The Freshman Lady Lions played with the least amount of enthusiasm. Of all three games they seemed to be the least motivated to be there in the moment. Even the Junior Varsity team who got left behind on the scoreboard seemed to be trying harder to score. The Freshmen only scored four points in the first quarter while the Rebels shot for 12. Amanda Alvarez got two points and Shawnda Hill made the other two. The second quarter ended with the Rebels ahead by 10 points with a score of 21-11. It was Desirea Winn who scored two three-pointers and Andrea McKinney with one free throw in the second quarter that brought the Lion score to 11.
After half-time the Rebels came out with a bit more energy putting 18 more points on the board in their favor during the third quarter. Winn made three two-pointers and Kaela Amirkabirian made two free throws during the third quarter and put eight more points on the board for the Lions. The third quarter ended with a score of 39-19.
In the final quarter the Freshman Lady Rebels added 16 points to their score while the Lady Lions put five additional points to their final score. Alvarez and Hill each shot for two points while McKinney made one last free throw. The game ended with a final score of 24-55 starting the Lady Lions off with the first loss of the day.
The Lady Lions will be playing at home against Austin Akins on Friday, Dec 29.


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