LCRA approves new transmission lines


By LPR Staff

The Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) announced this week that plans have been approved for a double-circuit transmission line that will cut a swath through Caldwell County from Mustang Ridge to Martindale.

Over the course of several months, the possible construction of the line has caused headaches for area electe

d officials who were concerned how the route might affect scheduled development, including the Turner Crest Ranch Subdivision near Martindale, and commercial interests associated with the construction of State Highway 130.

However, the route chosen by LCRA and approved this month through the Public Utility Commission, will avoid the Turner Crest property altogether, and have minimal impact on the SH130 interests, according to Lockhart City Manager Vance Rodgers. A larger copy of the map shown above and showing the complete route of the line is available for public viewing at Lockhart City Hall.


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