
Legal Notice – Feb. 14, 2013: Lockhart and Caldwell County (Texas)




Request for Forklift Bids


The City of Lockhart is receiving sealed bids until 10:00 a.m., Thursday, February 21, 2013, at City Hall, 308 W. San Antonio Street, for the following:


New OR Used  forklift, a 2005 year model or better.  Equivalent to or better than a 5,000 pound bas

ic rate lifting capacity, 186” lifting height, carriage tilt, solid pneumatic drive tires, automatic transmission, and propane fuel engine.


Bid sheets may be picked up at City Hall, 308 W. San Antonio Street, Lockhart, Texas 78644, during normal business days and hours or may be downloaded from the City of Lockhart website at  A bid sheet must be completed for each bid submitted.


Bids for the above must include delivery to 110 North Brazos St, Lockhart, Tx. within 45 days of issuing purchase order.


Bids may be mailed or delivered to City of Lockhart, 308 West San Antonio St, Lockhart, Tx 78644.  Envelops containing bids should be externally marked “Forklift Bid” and must include a completed bid sheet.  Bids not received by the stated date and time above will be returned unopened. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids.


Questions may be directed to Julie Bowermon at 512-398-3461 during normal business hours.



The annual meeting of Polonia Water Supply Corporation will be held at the office on Tuesday, February 19, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at the water supply office located at 2990 FM 1185, Lockhart, Texas. The purpose of the meeting is to elect directors and to transact any other business that may properly come before the board.

Austin C. Pittman






NO. 1204

NOTICE is hereby given that a hearing will be held on the 19th day of February, 2013 at 3:00 p.m. in the County Courthouse of the above named County in Lockhart, Texas on the application of the herinafter named owner for a license to sell beer at retail at a location not heretofore licensed. The substance of said application is as follows:

1. Type of license or permit Wine and Beer Retailer’s Permit

2. Exact location of business 118B

S. Commerce Street Lockhart, TX 78644

3. Name of owner or owners Chisholm Trail Ballroom LLC

4. Assumed or trade name Chisholm Trail Ballroom

5. Name and title of all officers of corporation Janet K. Christian, Member

Eric Marsh, Member

Any person shall be permitted to contest the facts stated in said application and the applicant’s right to secure said license or permit upon giving security for costs as provided by law.


WITNES MY HAND this the 4th day of February, 2013.

Carol Holcomb

County Clerk

Caldwell County, Texas

By Katrina Reyna Deputy


Bid Notice

The Lockhart Independent School District (LISD) is soliciting Requests for Proposals from qualified contractors for labor, materials and equipment for rehabilitations of the Navarro South driveway and parking lot. Approximate quantities include 3,800 SY of concrete pavement with an alternate bid for asphalt and 45 LF of 24” RCP Storm sewer. Proposal and general specifications may be obtained at the TRC Engineers, Inc. at 505 E. Huntland Drive, Suite 250, Austin, Texas during normal business hours.  Proposal may be mailed to Lockhart ISD, P.O. Box 120, Lockhart, TX 78644 or hand delivered to Lockhart ISD at 105 S. Colorado, by 2 p.m., Thursday, March 7, 2013.  Bids not received by this time and date will be rejected.


There will be a Pre-Proposal Conference held at Navarro Elementary in the cafeteria located at 715 Medina Street, Lockhart, TX, 78644 on February 26, at 10:00 AM.  All interested vendors are encouraged to attend but this is not a mandatory conference.


Contractor must provide proof of general liability, automobile and worker’s compensation insurance naming the Lockhart ISD as an additional insured and 5% bid bond submitted with the bid and 100% performance and payment bond provided with the signed contract. Lockhart ISD reserves the right to reject any and all proposals.  No faxed or electronic proposals will be accepted.


Public Bid

Fire Alarm System –

Clark Library Phase II

The City of Lockhart is receiving sealed bids at 308 W. San Antonio Street Lockhart TX 78644, until 10am on February 28th, 2013, from qualified individuals and/or companies for installation of the Fire Alarm system in the 2nd and 3rd floors of the Masonic Building Annex, completely tying into the existing system from Phase 1. Bids submitted must be good for 120 days. Sealed bid envelopes should be marked “Fire Alarm”. Proof of general liability and worker’s compensation coverage naming the City of Lockhart as an additional insured will be required before final award.

All bids must include all materials and labor required to finish the job per specs and plans available. In your bid, please include the time scope of completion and projected start date.

Plan sets and specifications may be downloaded from the City of Lockhart website at under Clark Library Phase II or views at the site construction office during business hours.

Questions may be directed to Countywide Builders, Jim Smith, Construction Manager at Risk at (512)-398-5516 or at If you wish to see the building or have a walk through you can contact Steve Dodson, Superintendent, at (512)-585-3824 or at

The City of Lockhart reserves the right to reject any and all bids.



Public Bid

Phase 1 Structural Steel -Clark Library Phase II

The City of Lockhart is receiving sealed bids at 308 W. San Antonio Street Lockhart TX 78644, until 10am on February 28th, 2013, from qualified individuals and/or companies for manufacturing and installation of the structural steel as called for in the plans and specs indicated on the pages below.

Phase 1 Steel can be found on the following pages:

S1.2 (Excluding connector expansion drawing)

S1.3 (Excluding stair plan drawing)

S3.3 (Details for Connections and Paired Column Assembly)

Please separate labor and materials in the bid.

A bid bond or cashier’s check equal to 5% of the total bid must be submitted with the bid. Bids submitted must be good for 90 days. Sealed bid envelopes should be marked “Structural Steel”. Proof of general liability and worker’s compensation coverage naming the City of Lockhart as an additional insured will be required before final award.

Plan sets and specifications may be downloaded from the City of Lockhart website at under Clark Library Phase II, Structural revised 2-8-2013, or viewed at site construction office during business hours.

Questions may be directed to Countywide Builders, Jim Smith, Construction Manager at Risk at (512)-398-5516 or at If you wish to see the building or have a walk through you can contact Steve Dodson, Superintendent, at (512)-585-3824 or at

The City of Lockhart reserves the right to reject any and all bids.


Public Bid

Windows Rehabilitation – Clark Library Phase II

The City of Lockhart is receiving sealed bids at 308 W. San Antonio Street Lockhart TX 78644, until 10am on February 28th, 2013, from qualified individuals and/or companies for window rehabilitation of all 3 floors of the Masonic Building as associated with the Eugene Clark Annex. Bids submitted must be good for 90 days. Sealed bid envelopes should be marked “Library Windows”. Proof of general liability and worker’s compensation coverage naming the City of Lockhart as an additional insured will be required before final award.

There are 67 windows varying in size and condition. Bids should reflect only the expected labor costs of completing the job. Materials that will be provided by the Construction Manager at Risk include all the following:

• Wood needed for rehabbing damaged window parts, trim, or molding.

• Glazing

• Glass

• Primer

• Man-lift

• Scaffolding

• Space for work

All windows must be rehabbed  to reflect the historical specs provided and must be approved by the Construction Manager at Risk. A completed window repair will consist of repaired sill, sash, molding and trim where necessary, repaired glazing only where necessary, replaced glass only where necessary, and should include removal of all original paint and be primed for re-paint. All windows should be in fully functional condition ready for re-paint to be considered completed.

Plan sets and specifications may be downloaded from the City of Lockhart website at under Clark Library Phase II or viewed at the site construction office during business hours.

Questions may be directed to Countywide Builders, Jim Smith, Construction Manager at Risk at (512)-398-5516 or at If you wish to see the building or have a walk through you can contact Steve Dodson, Superintendent, at (512)-585-3824 or at

The City of Lockhart reserves the right to reject any and all bids.



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