Letters – Brock cabin should be restored, respected


To the Editor:
The article written in last week’s paper concerning the Brock Cabin in Lion’s Park included a comment that I feel is incorrect, misleading and editorially unnecessary. The comment was that “the structure has no connection with Lockhart history.”
Alexander Lee Brock was one of the early settlers of this area. While this original structure ma

y not have been built within the current city limits of Lockhart, when built there was not a town of Lockhart. A.L. Brock became one of the leading citizens of the community and his legacy lives on in the city.
At least four of the buildings on the north side of the Square were built by Brock. The iconic three-story red brick building at Main and San Antonio (now visible in national TV advertising for General Foods and Ford Motor Company) down to the two-story building in the middle of the block (with the initials ALB clearly showing at the top) were not only paid for by him, but were built by bricks from the factory that he was a part owner.
A.L. Brock was one of the citizens featured last October in the Caldwell County Historical Commission’s annual “Night Ramblings,” held in the Lockhart City Cemetery. I was privileged, as a member of the Commission, to portray Mr. Brock in that event, and was excitedly greeted by some of his descendants following my performance.
The Brock cabin is part of the history of Lockhart and all of Caldwell County, in reminding us of the hardships and lifestyle of the settlers of this western frontier in the 1800s. If the building can be restored to a useable condition, if only to be examined as a museum piece, then it is worthy to be saved and honored as one of the earliest artifacts in Lockhart.
Thank you,
John Baker


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