Letters – Law supporter responds to Sept. 4, 2008, letter


To the Editor:
I would like to respond to Ms. Day’s letter in the paper on Sept. 4, 2008.
First Ms. Day, let me say I am well aware of Jimmy Parker’s service to this Community as a Reserve Police Officer, Reserve Deputy Sheriff and Reserve Deputy Constable. I am also aware that during most of this time Mr. Parker’s full time job was with a major company in

the Austin area.
Sheriff Daniel Law began his full time law enforcement career in the early 90s as a Correction Officer with the Caldwell Sheriff’s Office. Sheriff Law expanded his experience as a full time Law Enforcement Officer with a larger agency in this area as a Deputy Sheriff, Investigator, and Supervisor.
When Sheriff Law took Office as Sheriff of Caldwell County in 2001 the first thing he did was put into place a chain of command so every body was accountable to some one. He also put into place a Policy and Procedure Manual and developed a 17-week Field Training Program to assure the community of well-trained professional officers to serve them.
Sheriff Law brought a Narcotics Task Force to Caldwell County that was funded by a grant. Sheriff Law also started the first DARE program in Caldwell County and taught the first class himself until he could get a deputy trained to teach.
Sheriff Law also started an Explorer Program to get young people involved in the criminal justice profession. Sheriff Law has also attended many training sessions to enhance his knowledge in the law enforcement field.
Sheriff Law is not only well respected in this Community but also all across the State of Texas as evidenced by his recent election as Sergeant of Arms for the Sheriff’s Association of Texas. This is a highly sought after position that eventually leads to being President of this Association. Other Sheriffs elect this position across the State.
I would strongly urge anyone that wants a true professional that has dedicated his entire career to full time law enforcement to re-elect Sheriff Daniel Law.
I feel that I am very qualified to make these statements, as I began my career with the Caldwell County Sheriff’s Office a little over 22 years ago under Sheriff Elvin Hoskins. I worked for Sheriff Mike Bading the entire time he was Sheriff and I have been with Sheriff Daniel Law since he took office.
I will tell you I have never been more proud to tell people that I work for Caldwell County S.O. than I have since Sheriff Law took Office.
David W. Brent


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