
Letters – Library, Relay for Life and county employees


Library celebrates communities

To the Editor:

The week of April 14-20, the Dr. Eugene Clark Library will join libraries in schools, campuses and communities nationwide in celebrating National Library Week, a time to highlight the value of libraries, librarians and library workers.

This year’s theme “Communities matter at your libr

ary” is certainly true of our library.

Whether offering e-books, free tax aide, technology classes, programs for job seekers, homework help, preschool story hour, summer reading programs, musical entertainment or author events, the Dr. Eugene Clark is truly the heart of our community. Director of Library Services, Bertha Martinez and her dedicated staff listen and respond to meet community needs.

Our beloved library also provides a space for diverse groups to come together for a common interest. The present expansion and renovation will help the library provide for our community’s present and future needs.

The Friends of the Library encourages all residents to visit the Dr. Eugene Clark Library to take advantage of the wonderful resources available at your library and to thank the library workers for the services they provide. Communities matter at your library.


Mary Eisenberg

Friends of the Dr. Eugene Clark Library


Reader concerned about Relay choices

To the Editor:

Time and time again the lack of leadership rears its ugly head on the school board, and last weekend was no different. Over the past few weeks Team LaLa was wondering why this year’s Relay for Life, an American Cancer Society event, was being held at the Lockhart City Park. It had come to the attention of Team LaLa, a participant of Relay for Life since 2006, that a specific individual was the lone decision maker on determining that this year’s Relay for Life would not be at Lion’s Stadium.

We were told that no one else on the school board disputed this decision. This was displayed by either just simply not saying anything or by not having the leadership to take on the responsibility. And if it wasn’t for the good people on at the Parks Department and on Council, we probably wouldn’t even have had the event this year. Team LaLa would like to display our displeasure with the lack of leadership and incompetence that the school board has shown. I was unaware that a non public-official had this much authority on determining where an event like this can be held. It’s good to see that the next school board election is next year, in 2014.

Team LaLa would like to thank the great men and women of the Parks Department for hosting Relay for Life. They did a tremendous job. Although there were natural concerns: 1.) Terrain, it was very difficult for a lot of the Survivors to walk around the “track”, with some using wheel chairs and canes. We were grateful that the Parks Department had the roads cleaned to the best of their ability; 2.) Lighting, even with limited lighting, Relay for Life still ended up being a huge success.

Team LaLa would also like to thank Council members for their vision and understanding that some situations are bigger themselves and helping us with this year’s Relay for Life. Council understands that even some things are worth sacrificing, especially grass.

Naturally, we would love Relay for Life to be held at the football field. It gives the Survivors a flat and smooth surface, it gives us close and easily accessible to the restroom facilities, and it gives us light that can better serve us and security. The football field should be a beacon of solidarity for the community, not a place for only the physical elite.

Again, I hope that the lack of vision and involvement is only a temporary condition. And I look forward to the day that we all can come to a consensus that better serves the community for an event that reaches the heart and soul to all walks of life and brings HOPE to a growing community.

Eric Rangel



 Reader supports County positions

To the Editor:

Yesterday, I attended the Commissioners Court meeting which contained agenda items discussing the abolishment of the Human Resource Department and the County Administrator Department. By at least a 2-1 margin, speakers favored the retention of these two departments for very professional, legal and financial reasons.

Even Judge Cobb, from Hays County, was in attendance and asked our Commissioners Court to be visionary and further stated, “I implore you not to take a step backward.”

It was so refreshing to see and hear the real majority of our community speak out and recognize the professional steps that have been taken in administration of our County government by creation of these two departments.

Anyone who has any business experience knows that a Human Resource Department is absolutely essential to any organization. This is NOT a part time job for our County Treasurer.

It is interesting that the City of Luling and City of Lockhart both have city managers (administrators) and yet, according to a selected few who spoke, the County should not have a County Administrator. It was pointed out by a number of speakers that the current County Administrator has saved the County more money than his annual salary by many times over.

Please attend the Commissioners Court meeting on April 29, and do not allow Caldwell County to regress backwards because of a few people who are the obvious minority. Again quoting Judge Cobb, “Austin has Caldwell County in its bull’s eye.” He went on to ask that Caldwell County please help Hays County by moving forward and being visionary on the problems that lay ahead with the growth that will be coming to our area.

I want to go on the record saying that I enjoying living in a small, rural county; but we, as a County, must face the reality of preparing for the future growth. I would rather manage “change” then react to it. If we are oblivious that growth is coming to our County then we have done nothing more then set ourselves up for failure.

Dee Rodgers

Pct. 2





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