Letters – Lockhart resident questions street name


To the Editor:

Thank you for your coverage of the March 20 Lockhart City Council meeting. On the other hand I wish that the naming of the new frontage roads of SH130 that are in the city limits had been on the front page!

I was in attendance that night and was appalled that they voted 4-2 without any discussion to name these new roads (probably some 20 miles in l

ength) Cesar Chavez Parkway.

I feel sure that there are hundreds of past and current citizens of Lockhart that would have been very worthy of such a tribute.

In addition, why not name the roads to celebrate that Lockhart is the Barbecue Capital of Texas? Why not honor a person that is historic to Lockhart?

As Lockhart grows to encompass the new tollway and our ongoing necessity to attract tourists as well as businesses and industries, why did the City Council name the new roads after someone that never stepped foot in Lockhart?

As travelers approach Lockhart from the North or South along SH130, the first thing they will see is a “Cesar Chavez Parkway” sign. That does nothing to relay a sense of what our community is all about.

After stewing about this action for close to a week, there seem to be two things that I would encourage the citizens need to do now!

The first is that that citizens should call or email the councilmembers and ask them to rescind the ordinance and then rename it for someone or something that truly reflects Lockhart. And the second one is to show up at the Tuesday, April 3 City Council meeting and speak during the “Citizens Comments” portion of the regular session agenda (usually right after 7:30 p.m.) and let them know you believe there could be a much better choice.

Thank you,

Kathy McCormick




  1. Lizabeth Martinez 4 April, 2012 at 20:37 Reply

    I agree, I think more thought should have gone into nameing the street. It should be a name of a person that did alot for our town. My suggestion is one of the Caldwell County boys that died defending our country LaFluer or the young man from McMann.
    What about Ms. Ross, “The Floyd Welhelm Exit” “BBQ Capital of Texas Exit” Something that reflects the people of Lockhart.

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