
Letters – Reader bids farewell to parish leader


To the Editor:

To those local residents who have recently driven down Pecan Street, you may have noticed a large recently installed mosaic on the wall of St. Mary’s parish hall. If you have not yet noticed it, it would be well worth your while to drive by.

The mosaic, created by Pat Johnson of Fayetteville, Texas, was installed earlier in the spring and was dedicated in

a ceremony conducted by Father Robert Becker and attended by many parishioners on Sunday afternoon, May 1, 2011. Father Becker was instrumental in obtaining this unusual portrayal of Jesus, and it was made possible by contributions, large and small, from the parish.

The image symbolizes the love, mercy, and forgiveness by Our Lord toward humanity. The red and blue rays streaming from His hands stand for blood and water. The image is becoming ever more popular among Catholics around the world, but this one was made particular to Lockhart and the surrounding area by the inclusion of local details such as the Caldwell County court house, a train on railroad tracks, a couple of oil derricks, some cattle, cotton, and native trees and flowers of the area.

A farewell luncheon was held for Father Becker on Sunday, June 26, in honor of his six-and-a-half years as pastor of St. Mary of the Visitation, and his re-assignment to St Helen’s in Georgetown. A large framed picture of the Divine Mercy image was presented to him as a gift of appreciation.

Father Becker has been outstanding in his dedication to the parish and the people, shown by his tireless efforts in helping in our spiritual growth, and also for his contributions to the town in general, notably the planting of many trees in different locations. He will be missed.

Mary Williams



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