Letters – Salaries and animal control


Reader addresses Sheriff salary

To the Editor:

Regarding “Court nixes sheriff’s pay raise” [Lockhart Post-Register, Aug. 13, 2015]:

I believe the court should rethink this issue. As our county grows increased population brings more crime, the Sheriff’s department in my opinion is more important then many departments within the

Commissioners’ control.

Citizens of rural Caldwell depend on the Sheriff to keep them safe; I would expect most of the deputies are spread thin on most shifts and are very busy. The Sheriff’s department of our country is one of the last true law enforcement agencies of the people for the people, they all deserve a raise in my opinion.

Thank you,

Kenneth Dean




The Animal Control Profession

(The following has been distributed by the Texas Department of State Health Services to offer appreciation and support to Animal Control Professionals throughout the state.)

 Dear Citizen:

I am your Animal Control Officer. I am not the dreaded “dog-catcher,” or the “murderer” you call me. I am a product of your own irresponsibility.

It is not I who allows your animal to roam the streets to contract diseases from other free-roaming animals; to be hit by passing motorists; or to be poisoned by rotting garbage.

I am the one who must look into those sick, pain-glazed eyes and try to move the animal without causing further harm, and most often, humanely destroy him to put him out of pain.

It is not I who allows the indiscriminate breeding of dogs and cats, then dumps the unwanted puppies and kittens on roadside and in shelters.

I am the one who must find those tiny animals before they die of starvation, exposure, or diseases, and once again, humanely destroy them. It hurts me to have to destroy hundreds of thousands of these animals each year, but because of your irresponsibility, I must.

It is not I who abandons unwanted animals or farm roads, telling myself the friendly farmer will take them in. It is I who must pick up the frightened animal who is waiting in vain for his beloved master and wondering why he has been abandoned.

I am the one who must help that friendly farmer trap, tranquilize or kill that animal because it has begun to roam in packs with other abandoned animals and is killing livestock, fowl and game.

It is not I who breeds and fights dogs in the name of “sport.”

I am thee one who must fight the breeders and participants and pick up the dead and dying animals they leave behind.

It is not I who keeps animals confined to an area too small, or deprives them of food, water, shelter or exercise. But it is I who must deal with the cruel, neglectful and irresponsible owner who does.

It is not I who will not take the time to keep up regular inoculations. But, I am the one who must pick up the sick animals dying of preventable diseases.

I am the dedicated professional who must know how to control the sick, injured, feral, and just plain unwanted animals you leave behind.

I am the person who loves your animal, and all animals, more than you do. It is I who must give him his last and sometimes only touch of human kindness.

So, the next time your child is bitten, your trash dumped and scattered, your pet is lost, stolen or poisoned, or hit by a car, remember that it is the animal control professional whom you will call – not the “Dog Catcher.”

Remember the next time your pet is impounded or you are issued a citations, it is because I am trying to get you to fulfill your responsibility to yourself, your neighbors, and your pet! Remember also that it is not I who is the “murderer of innocent dogs and cats”, but you, yourself and your lack of concern.

I am a product of your irresponsibility. Do not scorn me. Respect me, for I am a professional, and I care!


The Animal Control Professional


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