
Letters – District under fire for snow day opening

To the Editor:
Once again, it snows and all the school districts around Lockhart close their doors for the safety of the students and staff.

Does Lockhart ISD show the same concern for the safety of the students and staff? Of course NOT!!

The news reports that over 100 accidents have occurred since midnight on Feb. 4, this tells me that it’s not safe to get on th

e roads. How many people who live in Lockhart really know how to drive on snow and ice? How many of those people drive our children’s buses? Not saying anything bad about the bus driver’s, their doing as they’re told by the school.

Should we say “Thank you” to the superintended of Lockhart ISD for putting our children’s safety at risk?
Cathy Scott



  1. Kriselle Jaimes 28 February, 2011 at 14:03 Reply

    I am glad that I was not the only parent with these same feelings! The superintendent has alot to do with this one! He could have easily said No School because alot of citizens live in the country most roads were iced over, He decided We can’t afford our school to be closed even though we could have easily made it up on Feb. 14th! Like other schools around us they either made the day up last monday or going to make it up on May 30. It is sad to say our superintendent was more worried about making money than worried about the safety of his staff and our children He made such a foolish mistake!

  2. Dusty Sneed 7 March, 2011 at 20:14 Reply

    The sad thing is none of the kids that attended that day recieved any education they watched movies. I have 2 kids in the Jr High and I refused to put my kids or myself at risk due to the poor decision from our district office. I belive there is roughly 1000 students that regularly attend the Jr High campus and only estimated only 300 students arrived at school that day. After several calls to the district office and leaving voice mails I never received a call back from anyone. I feel the district failed our children, parents, and staff.

  3. Cynthia 17 March, 2011 at 17:18 Reply

    I am so disappointed with the integrity of contract workers listed in you paper and with Lockhart bussiness. I paid one particular “handy man” $200 to install two flappers in the toilets.Last summer I had a AC problem. This one came put a capicitor and billed me 85.00. It didn’t work and he never returned my call.I had to go to Bastrop to pick up a window unit at night. A third time is a charm! This guy wants to charge me 300.00 to check my plumbing and check out electric socket and install two window units. I called him back and said I would put the units myself. He came and his buddy wiggled the wires in the electric socket and in the washroom fan. The plumber helper said I need my tank drained.The contractor charged me 75.00.It was actually a bad motor in my septic. I now know I can’t find good help in Lockhart and won’t try to again.

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