Letters – Student thanks Brooks for work, support


Dear Editor,
My name is Gabrielle Galván and I am a former student of Lockhart Junior High School. I am very disappointed at the school board”s decision of letting Ms. Brooks go. Most people would never have given as much of their own time and devotion to keeping a school safe and comfortable for the students as Ms. Brooks did. Even under the craziest circumstances, t

he school was always safe and consistent for her students.
Ms. Brooks was an all-for-one and one-for-all kind of woman. She always encouraged her students to strive for success and never give up on their dreams. Even when the standards were raised, she knew that we would overcome and be No. 1 in the end. Ms. Brooks had PURE CONFIDENCE in her students.
She, with the help of a wonderful staff, built up the junior high to be a Blue Ribbon school. I may only be a teenager, but with a principal of that caliber I would do ANYTHING in my power to keep her. Please tell me what is going on with the Lockhart School Board? They are going against everything that they were initially elected for… What”s really best for the students?
Thank you Ms. Brooks for the years that you gave to the district and for the wonderful start you have given to countless students who began their secondary education at Lockhart Junior High School. You will always be “Blue Ribbon” in my book.
Gabrielle Galván
Lockhart Freshman Campus


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