Lions end tough season with 31-7 loss


By Alonzo Garza


In their final game of an incredibly tough season, the Lions fell 31-7 to a much-improved Lehman Lobos team at Lion Stadium last Friday night.

“We are very proud of our kids,” Lion Head Football Coach Paul Kilby said immediately after the game. “They always battle hard. They battled hard tonight. We just had some

change of positions… injuries that were tough to overcome, but we owe full credit to Lehman. They played a great game and like I said… I”m very proud of our kids.”

The Lions” Homecoming game began with Lockhart kicking to Lehman. The kick off was followed by an official”s timeout after a Lion was injured on the first play.

By 9:15, Lehman took a first-and-10 at the Lions” 32-yard line. The Lobos then made it to the 9-yard line with a completed pass for a first-and-goal with 8:40 remaining in the first quarter. The first Lehman touchdown came at 7:53. The extra point kick was good for a score of 7-0.

The Lions took their first-and-10 at their own 32-yard line. A rush by Joseph Bell moved the ball to the Lion 46. A Chris Jackson run to the Lobo 43 followed the play and a pass to Bell moved the ball all the way to the Lehman 13-yard line. Flags on the play for a false start against Lockhart moved the ball back for a first-and-15.

The Lions pushed forward to a first-and-goal at the 2-yard line with a minute to go in the quarter. More flags for a false start against Lockhart set the ball at seven. Flags for a chop block against the Lions set the ball back to the 22-yard line for a first and goal with 42 seconds remaining.

An incomplete pass lost valuable seconds before the Lions scored a touchdown with 29 seconds to spare. A failed two-point conversion attempt with flags against the Lobos for pass interference gave the Lions yet another opportunity to score. The extra point field goal kick was good for a tie at 7 at the end of the first.

Second quarter scoring began with a successful Lobo field goal for a score of 10-7 at 7:50. Lockhart struggled to gain momentum while the Lehman defense kept the Lions from scoring with quarterback sacks and tough tackling. The Lobos were given a 15-yard penalty for a personal foul before the first half ended at 10-7.

The second half began with a confident Lobo team keeping the Lions from gaining any footing in the game. An interception by the Lobos at 9:11 only increased the Lions” frustration, leading them to make needless mistakes.

A personal foul penalty for facemask against Lockhart at 2:41 remaining in the third quarter set the Lobos on a scoring rampage. The Lobos scored their second touchdown and extra point kick for a score of 17-7 at 2:27. They also earned an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty after the play.

The third Lobo touchdown and extra point closed the quarter scoring at 24-7 with four seconds remaining in the third.

The fourth quarter began with false start penalties and an interception against Lockhart. The Lobos scored their last touchdown of the evening with eight minutes remaining in the game. The extra point kick was good for a final score of 31-7.

The remainder of the game was riddled with penalties for unsportsmanlike conduct, personal fouls, holding and so forth.

See you at the basketball games.



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