
Lions host 11th Annual Powerlifting Meet


The Lockhart Lion Athletic Department hosted the 11th Annual Lockhart Lion Powerlifting Meet on Saturday, Jan. 14, with over 12 teams competing for first place. Teams traveled from as far as Paris, Texas, to be apart of this competitive meet.
The Lions were able to earn a second place trophy in the meet with first place going to Dripping Springs. Canyon High School r

eceived second place, San Marcos earned fourth, and the Hays Rebels finished in fifth place out of the 12 teams.
“All of the Lion lifters lifted hard and with a lot of heart,” Coach Darrell Brock said. “Coach McAdams and I are very proud of their hard work. We also appreciate all the workers who helped with the meet. They made it a great success.”
Lion senior Travis Grogan finished first place in the 181-pound class, and received Top Lion Squater with a 540-pound lift. Grogan also earned Top Lion Deadlifter with a 600-pound lift, a new Lockhart Lion Meet record.
Lion senior Ryan Lockhart also finished first place in the 198-pound class, and earned Top Lion Bencher with a 315-pound lift.
Lion freshman Zach Leija gave Lockhart another first place finish in the 114-pound class by lifting a total of 645 pounds in the meet.
Also earning points for the Lions were the following lifters:
•Matthew Tienda with a third place finish by lifting 705 pounds in the 123-pound class
•David Pozuc with a second place finish by lifting 750 pounds in the 148-pound class
•John Squires with a tenth place finish by lifting 825 pounds in the 165-pound class
•Royse Lee with a thirteenth place finish by lifting 810 pounds in the 165-pound class
•Kory Robbins with a fifteenth place finish by lifting 800 pounds in the 165-pound class
•Joe Fuentes with a seventh place finish by lifting 975 pounds in the 181-pound class
•Nick Villareal with a sixteenth place finish by lifting 865 pounds in the 198-pound class
•Trey Ware with a second place finish by lifting 1305 pounds in the 242-pound class
•Dereck Harris with a third place finish by lifting 1155 pounds in the 275-pound class
Next, the Lockhart Lion boys” and girls” powerlifting teams will compete at the Hays Rebel Powerlifting Meet on Saturday, Jan. 21.
(Courtesy of Darrell Brock)


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