
Lions Sports Briefs: January 20, 2022


Lions showcase strength in powerlifting meet

The Lockhart Lions last week hosted a powerlifting competition at which athletes from Lockhart, Pflugerville Connally and Stockdale competed.

The Lions who competed had a strong showing, with 24 athletes posting finishes in the top 5 of their weight classes.


105: Kaitlyn Mendez (1)

132: Ava Herrera (1), Mia Hernandez (4)

148: Marie Cook (1), Destiny Flores (3)

165: Victoria Morales (1)

181: Peyton Crabill (1)

259: Nicole Zamora (1)

259+: Zenaida Tucker (1), Leah Ovalle (2)


123: Ben Mendez (1)

148: Nathaniel Gonzales (5)

165: Edward Mendoza (2)

181: Cesar Hernandez (1), Tyler Bell (2)

198: Trent Holcomb (2), Gabriel Gutierrez (3), Diego Sosa (4)

242: Riley Owen (1), Jonathan Creel (2), Ricardo Diaz (3)

275: Clayton Foster (3), Alex Richardson (4)

308: Karim Zuniga-Zaragoza (1)


Lions split pair of District 17-5A contests

The Lockhart Lions fell 69-53 to Austin Anderson last week, but rallied to close out the week against Navarro, going into the weekend with a 76-54 win.

Against Navarro, Jah Gulley led the Lions with 35 points. Major New added 24 points with 17 rebounds and five blocks. Others who scored for the Lions include Treveon Hopkins (five points), Sean Schexnayder (five points), Ashton Dickens (two points) and Marcus Tovar (two points)

New was named the player of the week by the Austin American Statesman.

Lady Lions recover from losing streak

The Lockhart Lady Lions put a two-game losing streak behind them Tuesday night, crushing Austin Northeast 55-8 at home.

On the heels of losses to Anderson and Navarro, Lockhart got back in the win column with the lopsided victory, getting its bench involved and spreading the scoring around between nine players.

Mylah Johnson led with 12 points and Rakaia Walker added 10. Other Lady Lions who scored in the win include Jada Edward with nine points, Destiny Arrazola with five points, Jada Edwards with three points, and Alyssa Martinez, Trinity Alexander, Grace Stofle and Melyna Gutierrez who each had two points.


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