
Lockhart Scouts to ‘Keep Texas Fed’


By Alonzo Garza

The Boy Scouts of America and The Capital Area Food Bank of Texas are making sure area residents do their part to “Keep Texas Fed.”
Starting in April, Scouts will leave door hangers on the front of doors of homes in their communities, informing residents that Scouts will be back on Saturday, April 12, starting at 8 a.m., to co

llect food donations.
The door hangers, large enough to be readily visible, include valuable information on which non-perishable food items are the most requested. Those items, according to research provided to the Boy Scouts of America and the Capital Area Food Bank, are both the most popular, and the easiest to distribute. The most frequently-requested items are canned meat and fish, canned vegetables and fruits, canned prepared foods such as soups, stews, ravioli and chili, and dry goods like rice, beans, pasta and cereals.
Rather than providing bags for the donations, Scouts have asked that donors reuse their own grocery bags, which will be recycled after the food is collected and donated.
Thousands of Scouts will visit homes in April to collect more than 250,000 pounds of food for Central Texas families in need. Last year, the inaugural “Keep Texas Fed” drive collected more than 83,000 pounds for the Capital Area Food Bank and its partner agencies.
In Lockhart, Scouts from Pack and Troop 109 of First United Methodist Church, Troop 110 of Grace Lutheran Church, Troop 115 of St. Mary”s Catholic Church and Troop 215 of First Lockhart Baptist Church will collect food donations between 9 a.m. and noon. They ask all those interested in donating to set their shopping bags in a location highly visible from the street, and to have their donations placed before 9 a.m.
All donations collected in the Lockhart area will go to the Caldwell County Christian Ministries Food Bank, which will allow the donations to serve families in need within the community.


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