
LTX Titans prepare for new season


The LTX Titans youth football program had their first camp for kids, ages 5-11, on Saturday, July 23.
“We had a very great, successful camp,” said Carmen Luna, one of the many camp”s organizers. “We had one young lad from Missouri and 30 kids of the LTX Titans team come out and have a lot of fun.”
The athletes were led by Head Coach W. Clay and coaches D. Luna,

T. Ramirez, C. Cohen, L. Jones, D. Brewer, D. Ross, J Wills and A. Wills.
The boys had four stations, weights, tires, blocking and acceleration, to improve their skills.
A team photographer, C. Tucker with All-American Photo, took the athletes” picture to keep the memory of their hard work.
“We really appreciate the help of Teed Shirts, A-1 Bond Bails, City of Lockhart, and Mr. Rangel for making the camp possible. We have to always remember that this is about the kids,” Luna added.
The boys who participated in the camp were Brandon Ramirez, Justin Luna, Kai Brewer, Shea Brewer, Chris Jackson, Kyle Collins, Brandon McNabb, Justin McNabb, Andrew McNabb, Joshua McNabb, Matthew Cashe, Salvador Ramirez, Edwardo Hernandez, Mario Juarez, Brice Watts, Brandon Davis, Jacob Davis, Angel Cruz, A.J. Rangel, Kenneth Romo, Jeremy Wills Jr., Aaron Strey, Nick Strey, Cesar Briceno, Corey Ross, Devon Garner and Jorge Gomez.


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