No greater force that Jesus’ love


Love surges as a river, but often as a stream, it’s a force moving forward, saturating your dreams.

It is the thing most desired. The driving force behind creation. It calls a welcome in the morning and sings sweet songs at night. While darkness rests upon the earth, it shines within our hearts. It moves upon us in unique ways then moves within us, giving strength for our day.

In the early morning hours as the sun is raised, we long for its touch, while birds give forth their praise. We join in the chorus, face to the sky, we lift our hands, come we cry. We look for its path, the road it travels and take our place among its masses. Upon the bank of its crystal flow, we see in its reflection the hope of our soul. Without hesitation we must explore its depth.

Doubt, fear and worry are swept far away. Its weight upon us brings a lightness to our heart. And its warmth illuminates, peace it imparts.

His call to men since the dawn of our time, created for fellowship with One divine. Who walked among us, still does, looking for His, those in need of love. Strong compassion, tender kindness, healing mercies, He wears. He lifts our burden, discharging our cares.

We surrender to the cleansing that removes sins stain. In doing so he breaks firm chains. He speaks! Our hearts burn with desire, more, more, more! They cry out! Upon our face His love leaves its mark, so others know, we belong. For freedom is the way of His truth. Freedom from the chains of care and strife. Freedom from the temptations of an isolated life.

Chosen, chosen, chosen, His words fall like rain. Calling the deep from the deep, no longer are we the same. The changes may be slow, but change will happen. It must, if we are to grow. Beside the road He may find us or in a stormy night. His desire, our commitment, for we are His delight. To choose the God, who chooses you, incredible as it sounds, I beg you don’t turn away, true Love my friend you’ve found.

Now to those who have walked with Jesus, but strayed along the way, there is nothing keeping you from repentance, surrender once more today. For Love has never left you, though you can’t feel it’s touch, worldly cares, worldly ambition, numb us too so much. But the truth of the Gospel, His Gospel of good news, is poured out before us and all must choose. For one life are we given, one life to see the truth.

Don’t close your heart to His gift for the time is coming, soon will be here, that the Son of Man appears. Suddenly, so suddenly as in the days of old, when men blasphemed God, and He sent floods as their toll. Yet in His mercy God’s love perfects the way, for Noah was safe, well above the fray. Within God’s hand firmly held, kept safe, secure, insulated from harm. Death without, yet life within, salvation from the storm.

So too are we saved in Christ from the destruction that comes. You may never see the end of the world, yet you will see the end of your time here. For the scripture say’s it is appointed for man to die once and then their judgment. Not all things in the world are guaranteed, but this is. You will physically die. Doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from, whether you like it or not your physical death is destined. But to those who have placed their trust and understanding in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ their life will not end at physical death. But as a butterfly emerges from its cocoon, so too will man’s spirit emerge from its shell.

Too many this emergence will usher them into the Kingdom of Light. Held steady by the faithfulness of the Great Liberator. To others, they will emerge into total darkness, devoid of love, empty, lifeless, totally unable to experience anything other than torment. Now some ask, How can a Loving Creator send people into the void where fire burns and is never quenched? He doesn’t. Read that again. He doesn’t. Where He does send us is to the cross. There we make the decision on where to spend eternity, defiantly choosing our own way. That will land us with the pain of the cross forever or bowing humbly before it, accepting Christ’s punishment on our behalf. Jesus laid down His life actually becoming your sin before God. He took your punishment and separation from God’s Love that you might not have too. Then in triumph conquered sin and the death it brings. He did all this so His love would surge as a river, but often as a stream, a force moving forward, saturating your dreams.


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