Not your average Joe


State Representative Stan Gerdes, after reading a feature on Lockhart’s Joe Carter on the July 6 Post-Register, made a Resolution in Carter’s honor “for his contributions to the community and that he be extended sincere best wishes for continued happiness.”

Gerdes, of District 17, asked the Post-Register to pass along the Resolution to Carter. He sent ti documents. Carter plans to put one at his residence and the other at the museum at St. John Colony, his home community. Gerdes referenced Carter’s upbringing at St. John Colony, his work in Austin and Fort Worth in a variety of industries before joining the U.S. Army.

In the Resolution, Gerdes noted that Carter encounters all with a friendly smile and extended handshake.

“Our communities benefit immeasurably from the dedicated efforts of engaged citizens and volunteers, and Joe Carter has given generously of his time and talents for the betterment of Lockhart….” the Resolution noted.


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