
‘Pastor Pete’ includes hip-hop with latest single


By Kyle Mooty

LPR Editor

Peter Arciniega, Jr., found a way to incorporate hip-hop into his latest single release, “Let’s Turn to Christ,” all thanks to a local barber.

Arciniega spent years in California after joining the Marines, and said he grew up around the hip-hop scene. A good friend even played bass for Dr. Dre, Jay Leno’s Tonight Show, B.B. King, and Patti LaBelle.

Ervin Jackson, a barber in Lockhart, adds the hip-hop to “Let’s Turn to Christ.” The song also features Ange Kogutz of Lockhart.

Arciniega wanted to get the word out to all, and reaching every median possible, he figures, can only be a plus.

Last year, Arciniega released his second album, the successful “Soulful Side of the Heart,” which followed “Faithful Servant” in 2019. Radio station WVIU on the East Coast named “Soulful Side of the Heart” as the Christian Album of the Year.

“Let’s Turn to Christ” was released late last week.

“Jackson is a Christian barber, and he is great,” said Arciniega. 

Arciniega is putting together a greatest hits album. Likely, the new single will be included on it.

“I think it is a good anthem for 2025,” Arciniega said. “It’s a good message. I’m just glad I can serve the Lord. I’m glad I can continue to put music out.”

Arciniega said his ministry gets more return per “hit” from Spotify, Pandora, Amazon, and Apple music, which helps him continue to put more Christian music out.

Arciniega’s CDs are available locally by contacting him via Facebook, or by email at


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