
PHOTOS: Lockhart snowball fight Feb. 2021


The call went out on Facebook at 2:30 p.m.: “Snow ball fight on the square?? Anyone! 5pm. Bring your A Game!” A.J. Green posted to the Lockhart-Caldwell Discussion Group.

Roughly 50 residents, young and old alike, showed up to the Caldwell County Courthouse lawn. Music began playing, snowballs were thrown, and for about 45 minutes, everyone forgot about their troubles.

For residents that have been cooped up under pandemic restrictions for nearly a year, the move was a much-needed respite. Many residents wore masks, a reminder that things weren’t quite “normal.” But everyone enjoyed playing outside with friends again.

The fun ended at roughly 5:45 p.m. when a Lockhart Police Department officer came to break up the event. Someone had thrown snowballs at a passing car, and it was called into LPD.

As the sun begin dipping below the horizon, the group disbanded. Many headed back into their cars. Some walked back towards their house. Everyone headed into what will be a very cold, single-digit night.

Stay warm Lockhart.


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