Spending increases as Primary Elections loom


7-day spending reports show fierce competition for votes
By LPR Staff

As they make their final push toward earning their party”s nomination for a place on the November ballot, the candidates in most of Caldwell County”s primary races have opened up their coffers in an effort to draw in voters.

In what will almost certainly bec

ome a runoff election, the candidates for the Democratic nomination for Caldwell County Judge lead the pack in campaign spending, with James “Jimmy” Bertram spending just over $4,100 since the last reporting period.

The bulk of spending for Bertram, who also raised $1,950 in various campaign contributions, was for advertising. All told, he spent $3,121 in Caldwell County”s two newspapers for advertising, and nearly $837 more as he prepared for a fundraiser.

Morris Alexander reported spending that ran a distant second to Bertram”s. After committing not to accept campaign donations, Alexander has funded his campaign solely with personal loans, and reported having spent $1,429 in his most recent campaign finance report, which encompasses, essentially, the last month of campaigning.

Alexander has spent the bulk of his money hosting “meet-the-candidate” events at several area eateries, a tactic which has cost him a total of $352.92 over the last several weeks. He has also made donations to the Luling Livestock Show ($200), and the Lockhart Masonic Lodge ($250). He reported having spent $513 on advertising.

Rodrigo Amaya focused his attention on signs, spending $1,142 of his $1,372 in reported spending on large campaign signs. He also claimed a donation of $210 to a Knights of Columbus fundraiser.

The remaining candidates on the Democratic Party ballot, Herb Schulze and Juan Alvarez, Jr., did not have reports on file for the reporting period ending Feb. 23. Also, unopposed Republican candidate Tom Bonn did not have a report on file. As campaigning winds down, several other candidates, too, have made a push for votes.

In the Democratic Party race for Caldwell County Clerk, Carol Holcomb reported having spent a total of $219.50 in advertising with the local newspapers. Holcomb”s opponent, Misty Jennings, reported spending upwards of $1,097 in the final reporting period. Jennings” report said she”d purchased signs from Lasr Signs in Lockhart, in the amount of $748.50, and had spent $255 on newspaper advertising. Jennings also claimed $1,612 in fundraising.

Precinct 4 County Commissioner candidate Joe Roland filed a report indicating he had spent $1,476.59 and raised around $1,015.

Roland reported spending $810.67 with Allied Advertising for signs, and $181.68 with Logos for printing. He also said he”d spent $256.06 at Wilson Riggin Lumber and Building Headquarters for equipment to install his signs, and $228 in local advertising. Roland”s primary election opponent, Frank Estrada, did not have a report on file.

Several other candidates had filed reports at the County Clerk”s office as of Wednesday morning. However, those reports reflected the candidates had either not raised or spent campaign funds, or had done so in an amount below $500, which is the generally-accepted threshold for campaign expenditure reporting.


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