The Judge’s Corner – Updates from the Courthouse


Greetings and Happy New Year! I hope you are starting this New Year with good health and prosperity.

I have just completed my first year as County Judge and even though it was a challenging year, I believe we’re starting 2016 in a positive direction. This year I’m hoping to work more closely with other elected officials, department heads and appointees on ways we can cut

costs, generate revenue and provide better services to you the taxpayer.

Though the county is facing a serious deficit, there are some things that will be going on this spring that I think you’ll be pleased about. First, I’m happy to announce that we’ll be opening a DPS office, located on the first floor of the Courthouse, so residents will no longer have to drive to other counties for licensing issues. The office is scheduled to open in the spring and will be open five days a week.

Second, you’ll be glad to know that construction for Westwood, Cherry wood and Old Fentress roads is scheduled to start next month with an estimated completion time set for August. Improvements on Schuelke Road are scheduled to begin this spring as well. In addition, we are planning on a study for a US 183 relief route for Luling and a study for City Line Road to deal with congestion. Also, the county recently acquired new road maintainers which will help relieve some of our road issues.

In an effort to get more patrol officers in the county, the Sheriff’s office has certified the county’s animal control officers as peace officers. This allows them to perform dual roles.

This past year we saw firsthand the devastation that can be caused by a natural disaster. Many of our residents were severely impacted by the Memorial Day and October floods. To be made aware of emergencies, I encourage you to go online at to register your cell phone and land line for emergency notification.

Our challenges are not a quick fix and will require years to correct. We will start to see additional growth and this will be a positive economic impact which is imperative to correcting our financial issues.

Thank you for your continued support and don’t hesitate to call our office at (512) 398-1808.

Thanks again,

Judge Kenneth Schawe



1 comment

  1. JD FINK 5 February, 2016 at 18:41 Reply

    One can see the improvements being made in the county and I applaud those responsible. The DPS office is a bid deal and warmly welcomed.. Our animal control has some good officers and I am pleased they were made police officers.

    Final note – I wish to publicly thank you and your staff for the help in getting road improvements to Holz Road . We have been hounding our commissioner for well over 5 years with no results– After an email to you things got done- please convey our thanks to the maintenance folks for there hard work

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