The Old Oak Tree


It stood just a block away from the downtown square on San Antonio Street. It was, approximately 300 years old, beautifully shaped by the many North winds that it had endured and had shaded Confederate and Union Troops who quartered there in 1866 at the nearby Episcopal Church.

It watched many carriages that passed by on their way to the Blanks General Store and was a familiar landmark to everyone in Caldwell County. There were no paved streets then since there were no automobiles and a little gravel was spread to allow horses to keep from slipping on the muddy streets.

Later, when Lockhart became more of a city than its earlier small-town past, it was necessary to pave all of the streets, particularly, in the downtown area. It was thought that if the pavement stopped, short of the tree trunk, the great oak would not be harmed, but that was just a mistaken dream.

Lovingly, we all watched as the long-standing landmark began a slow decline. Our beautiful Live Oak, the tree that identified our town which was called “The City of Live Oaks,” the same old friend who had witnessed many events; the Civil War, World War I, the election of the first President of the Republic of Texas, and stood, silently while Sam Houston rode through town on his way to San Antonio after the fall of the Alamo, faded away, never to shade our small town again.

Of course, progress includes many great events, but there is a price that is paid which is sometimes too much. So, what can we do? Gather acorns from nearby ancient oaks still growing in the town. Plant those acorns as a tribute to one of the most loved and memorable oak trees in our history.


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