
Trevino takes helm at LISD


By LPR Staff



“Too often in education we start with answers before we have understood the problem we are trying to solve.”

The quote by Tony Wagner was used on Monday evening as Lockhart Independent School District Rolando “Rudy” Trevino took the helm at his first meeting of the LISD Board of Trustees. T

revino, who officially took his post on July 2, 2014, used Monday’s special-called meeting to spell out his intentions for his “90-day transition period,” as he gets his feet wet at LISD.

Rather than wading slowly into the pool, Trevino has jumped in with both feet, hosting an extensive series of meetings with District Trustees, administrators and teachers, as well as his Cabinet and stakeholders including religious and community leaders.

His process, Trevino said, was to develop an understanding of the needs and wants, strengths and weaknesses of the District, prior to entering into Board retreat workshops to develop the mission statement for LISD’s new “Team of Eight.”

Trevino spelled out a list of five specific goals that he and the Cabinet have set for the transition period – most of those goals are community and teamwork-driven.

For instance, he said, one of his intentions is to ensure that all district resources are focused on “effective learning,” and that the teachers, principals, administrators and Central Office staff are working effectively and to their maximum potential to benefit student learning.

He also means to establish a “teamwork philosophy,” by working with not only District resources, by collaborating with the City of Lockhart, stakeholders within the public, and parents and guardians.

As Trevino, Deputy Superintendent Janie Wright and Assistant Superintendent Larry Ramirez spelled out the step-by-step overview of the transition plan, Trustees expressed excitement about the transition, but also concern about getting “buy-in” and involvement from the community and the parents.

Trustee Brenda Spillmann said she was hoping to achieve more “family-style thinking” within the District.

Although Trevino noted the question about community involvement was something he and his Cabinet had mulled over, he preferred to meet with the Board in a workshop and teambuilding session prior to approaching the community and “asking those difficult questions.”

While the beginning of the educational year approaches in August, Trevino and his Cabinet will continue to work toward establishing and enacting their 90-day transition plan. The next regular meeting of the Lockhart ISD Board of Trustees is slated on Monday, July 28, at 6:30 p.m. in the LHS Conference Center (Old Library). Parents and interested members of the community are invited to attend and meet Trevino.



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