Trustees seek applicants to fill vacant seat


By LPR Staff

The resignation and replacement of a trustee on the Lockhart Independent School District Board of Trustees dominated discussion during a lengthy meeting on Monday evening.

Derek Benavides was elected to the District 4 Seat in May 2008. Earlier this month, Benavides tendered his resignation. Although that resignation letter was not

made available to the public, rumors that he and his family have moved were brought to the attention of the board during their November meeting. Most of the discussion about his resignation and the means for appointing a replacement to fill his unexpired term took place behind closed doors, during an executive session.

At the end of the discussion, the Trustees opted to issue a call to the public for applications or letters of interest from residents of District 4 who would like to be appointed to fill Benavides’ term, which is set to expire in November 2011.

Interested individuals are asked to submit letters of interest, addressed to Susan K. Brooks, President of the Board of Trustees, via hand deliver to LISD Central Office before noon on Jan. 7, 2011.

Those letters should include the candidates full name and address and certain biographical information, including length of time the applicant has lived within the boundaries of LISD and how long that applicant has lived in District 4. Potential candidates are also asked to explain their interest in representing District 4, and any special qualifications or experience they hold.

Those letters of interest will be reviewed by the remaining trustees, who are expected to make an appointment in January.

In a related item, the Trustees voted to make a significant change to the election process.

Under state law, school districts must hold their elections in connection with either state and federal General Elections in November, or in connection with the municipal elections of a city located within their district. Historically, LISD has held their elections in connection with City of Lockhart elections in May.

A decision by the Lockhart City Council earlier this year shifted those municipal elections to November, allowing them to be held in conjunction with Caldwell County, State of Texas and Federal elections. That decision triggered a need for LISD to make a change, as well.

As a result, the currently-seated trustees will have their terms extended by six months, and terms that were set to expire in May will now expire in November. The four single-member districts will be impacted first, as they are slated for an election in 2011. The at-large trustee seats open for election in 2012.

In brief news:

The Trustees reviewed a draft planning calendar for next year’s budget process. Internal discussion at the administrative level will begin at the beginning of the year, while public discussions with the board and the public are expected to begin in May.

They approved an interagency agreement between LISD and Community Action, Inc., of Hays, Caldwell and Blanco Counties Head Start Program with regard to services provided to students with disabilities.

The Board recognized dozens of students, including Science Fair winners from Navarro and Plum Creek Elemetaries, members of the Lady Lion volleyball team, and a December 2010 graduate of Lockhart High School.

Principals from Bluebonnet and Clearfork Elementary presented their Campus Improvement Plans, the guidelines and roadmaps they follow to achieve and maintain an “Exemplary” status.

The Lockhart ISD Board of Trustees routinely meets on the fourth Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the Conference Center at Lockhart High School. The meetings are webcast through the district’s website ( and are rebroadcast on Wednesdays and Saturdays on Time Warner Digital Cable Channel 10.


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