
Annual sports banquet recognizes outstanding LHS athletes


By Alonzo Garza

The Lockhart Lions Athletic Booster Club held its annual Spring Sports Awards Banquet at the Lockhart High School cafetorium on Thursday, May 15. The student athletes and their families began arriving a little before 6 p.m. and trickled in for the dinner portion of the program until 6:45 p.m.
Coach Dave Johnston welcomed every

one to the awards banquet at a little before 7 p.m. Senior Janie Juarez asked everyone to pause briefly to participate in the invocation before introducing past Booster Club president Andy Tolley, who thanked everyone from parents, students to volunteers for all their help throughout the year.
After his show of appreciating for the past year, Tolley introduced incoming Booster Club president Becky Juarez, who encouraged everyone to remain involved in helping out with the games and other Booster Club activities.
Juarez introduced coach Glenn Rotzler, who had the distinct honor of kicking off the awards presentation portion of the program. Rotzler expressed his sincere appreciation for each and every one of his players. He expressed his pride in the team and their tenacity despite a tough season before introducing Special Olympics coach Dag Dybdahl.
Dybdahl took time to recognize his student athletes for their outstanding performance during the recent Special Olympics. Only three of his students were present for their recognition but all names were read aloud. Dybdahl thanked the coaches for inviting his students to the awards banquet before turning the podium over to golf coach Jeff Gant.
Gant was proud of all of his golfers and mentioned some of their accomplishments briefly. He said they had a great year of golf and would miss the graduating seniors, but looked forward to the new season.
Coach Lisa Cone who introduced the softball team followed Gant. Cone praised her team and the assistant coaches and parents who helped throughout the tremendous Lady Lion season. She was proud of their accomplishments and predicted a bright future for the team.
After Cone came coach Kat Lemons, who introduced the Varsity Tennis team and talked about the season. She also has high hopes for her Junior Varsity players and the upcoming tennis team.
Baseball coach Mark Elder followed Lemons. He, too, praised his team’s tenacity and the fact that they never gave up trying to win despite a tough season. Elder looked ahead to next year’s season with hope and determination before turning the microphone over to powerlifting coach Richard McAdams.
McAdams gave plenty of well-deserved praise to his young weightlifters. He highlighted the season with specific accomplishments, and acknowledging the regional and state qualifiers. McAdams has high hopes for the upcoming weightlifting seasons.
Athletic Director Melinda Kirst and Johnston introduced the Girls Basketball team and highlighted some of their accomplishments for an absent coach Stuart Porter.
Coaches Troy Moses and Scott Hippensteel took turns introducing the Track and Field athletes. Hippensteel touched on some of the season’s most memorable accomplishments before passing the microphone on to coach Colleen Johnston.
C. Johnston was genuinely proud of her Girl’s soccer team and was moved to tears when acknowledging that she would miss the graduating seniors terribly next year. She touched on season’s highlights and thanked all the parents for supporting the team before passing the podium and microphone on to Boys Soccer coach Ramez Antoun .
Antoun, who was the last presenter of the night, did a fantastic job of wrapping up the program after praising the soccer team despite a tremendously difficult season. Antoun mentioned the numerous injuries that plagued the team. He also made everyone aware of the emotional rollercoaster that followed the team throughout the season after their teammate Colt Miranda’s untimely passing.
Before the evening ended, Moses and D. Johnston presented the “Fighting Lion” and “Fighting Lady Lion” awards. The 2007-2008 Fighting Lion award was presented to Casey Butler and the Fighting Lady Lion award went to three outstanding Lady Lion athletes, Aly Daily, Brianna Hinnenkamp and Cece Smith.
Senior Lions and Lady Lions capped off the night with a rousing rendition of the school song as folks made their way out the exits.
The new LHS Athletic Booster Club members include president Becky Juarez, vice-president Joyce Juarez, Secretary Debbie Schulle and Treasurer Darla Peters.
See you next year.


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