Council to consider nuisance ordinance for stray cats


The Lockhart City Council will hold a regular meeting on Tuesday, April 20, 2010, at 7:30 p.m. Items scheduled for discussion during the meeting include:

– Hold a public hearing on a request by Clifton Jones on behalf of C & M Investment for a Zoning Change, and consider Ordinance 2010-11 amending the Official Zoning Map from IL Industrial Light Business District

to CHB Commercial Heavy Business District on 2.49 acres in the Cornelius Crenshaw League, Abstract No. 68, located at 2000 West San Antonio Street (SH 142). [ZC-10-03];

– Consider Ordinance amending Chapter 52 “Subdivision Regulations,” Section 52-2 “Definitions” with regard to the definition of “Subdivision,” and Section 52-36 “Minor plat or replat procedure” with regard to the referral of a minor plat or replat to the Planning and Zoning commission when one or more variances are requested;

– Consider Ordinance amending Chapter 31 “Impact Fees” of the Lockhart Code of Ordinances, revising Section 31-19 “Exceptions” to extend a temporary reduction in the rate charged for road impact fees;

– Discussion/action regarding ordinance Chapter 10 Animals involving cat nuisance complaints generated from property owners who do not want cats on their properties.

– Discussion/action regarding Asphalt Paving, Inc. contract Change Order No. 2;

– Receive update from City Manager regarding Lockhart Historical Preservation Commission progress in their ordinance review;

– Consider approval of awarding bid to Intermedics to provide billing services for the City of Lockhart Emergency Medical Services; and

– Consider approval of Resolution increasing/amending fees for Emergency Medical Services.

A discussion workshop will begin at 6:30 p.m., followed by the meeting beginning on 7:30 p.m. No action or votes will be taken during the workshop. Both the workshop and the regular meeting are open to the public and televised on Time Warner Digital Cable Channel 10.

The Lockhart City Council routinely meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month in the Glosserman Conference Room at Lockhart City Hall.
(Courtesy of Connie Rodriguez)


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