
Downtown Revitalization suspended during holidays


City of Lockhart

The City of Lockhart’s Downtown Revitalization Project will suspend work during the Christmas and New Year holidays, returning Wednesday, Jan. 3, with plans to return to full force on Monday, Jan. 6.

Earlier this month, crews installed ADA (American Disability Act) pavers and regular pavers along Main, Walnut, and Church streets.

Storm drain lines were also installed along N. Commerce, between E. San Antonio and E. Walnut streets. Crews have installed a new sidewalk, curbs, and gutters on the northwest corner of Walnut and Main streets, and the east side of Main Street, as well as three trench drains. Concrete has been poured for sidewalks along Church Street, between W. San Antonio and W. Walnut streets.

Crews will finish installing storm drain lines on N. Commerce Street and finish installing water and wastewater lines in the alley behind Loop & Lil’s Pizza.

Crews will also continue installing curbs and sidewalks along the east side of Main Street from Walnut to San Antonio streets, as well as the installation of ADA pavers and regular pavers on completed corners. Contractors are anticipated to begin minor temporary street improvements at the intersection of Walnut and Church streets to integrate the sidewalk with the street elevation. Crews will pause construction between Dec. 20 and Jan. 3, making businesses more accessible for pedestrian and vehicle traffic during the holidays.


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