God always understands our frustration


Jim Honeycutt

Chaplain-Baptist Minister

A songbird of the morning that turns into a grumpy toad at night. That’s the way my mother described my attitude as a toddler. Seems the morning was the time for me, singing, smiling, eager to play, eager to explore, eager to be loved on by momma.

Not much has changed, in regards to my enjoyment of the morning. I still awaken most days with a song on my lips.

Unfortunately, those closest to me will tell you I still get grumpy toad syndrome when the day is long and my mental sharpness begins to wane. For me, exhaustion is the cloud that darkens the brightest of days, slowly covering my emotions allowing the toddler in me to appear.

I know it’s a little strange for me to bring this up now, but this last couple of weeks have been rough on my emotional state, as I have allowed myself to be caught up in some struggles that I should never have started. Because they weren’t worth the energy they took. They weren’t worth the hurt feelings I created. They weren’t worth the disruption of my relationships. 

So, the beauty of my mornings has been cut short with the darkness of conflict wearing me down. Unable to sleep, unable to keep my mind off the turmoil, I have been smiling on the outside while raging on the inside. I have been on my knees before The Lord trying to understand why this conflict now. I have apologized to my wife it seems like a million times. I have isolated myself from friends some days, as I wrestle with unknown enemies of thought. Thoughts at times are ridiculous, at times are selfish, and even times of feeing unwanted. 

In this feeling, I have to ask myself, why at this point in my life am I struggling to keep focused on the path forward. A clue was given to me last week, when in frustration I said aloud while stomping into the house for something I forgot, “Lord, I am so frustrated. Do you know what that’s like?”

Immediately, as the words were leaving my mouth it was like a hug from my mother with a little tap on the back of my head included. My anger and frustration melted away. I began to weep as the whisper of His Spirit caught full hold of my attention. I could feel His heart. I could perceive His thoughts. A verse I learned as a child, began pushing to the forefront of my thoughts. I quickly go to the Bible, sitting next to my chair in the living room. Turning to the verse now boldfaced and underlined in my heart, I breath a sigh of relief as I open The Scriptures.

The answer is yes. The answer to the question I asked God, is yes. Yes, He understands frustration. In fact, when I do things that stifle His transformation of me it causes Him much frustration and the Scriptures say He grieves. Ephesians 4:29-30: “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouth, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs that it might benefit those that listen. And do not grieve The Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.”

So, as The Lord does, by His Spirit He reminded me the Truth of the matter, in the loving caring way I have come to know.

I was speaking selfishly, I was acting selfishly, my thoughts were all about me and how all things effected me. It was toddler Jimmy at his finest. 

But I was not called to be a toddler of the world, I was not called to remain immature to the Truth.

I was called to be a man of The Lord’s, I was called to put off the childish things that snare me. I was called to focus not on temporal things, yet to cast my eyes upon The Eternal.

So, what the heck is going on and where is all this disturbance coming from?

Here is the truth.

At the first of this year, like every year, I reflect on the past year as I sit before The Lord. I talk with Him about the highs and lows, along with everything He brings up. I also submit myself to His will, knowing He sees what I cannot. This year I purposed to know more about Him. To see His purpose at work around me. To listen to His voice, as He speaks love to my brothers and sisters. To acknowledge His words by making them my path.

So, it is of no surprise the enemy would turn up the heat of distraction. No way does He want me carrying through on my commitment. Praise The Lord Christ secures me by His Faithfulness.

And now that the Lord has shown me the source of my attitude problem and cleansed me from distraction, my morning song has returned. Be aware, the enemy, like a lion, prowls, looking for someone to devour. Not all your tests come from things seen.


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