Kinder Morgan project set to begin


By Wesley Gardner
LPR Editor

Flags and access signs are beginning to pop up in various locations around Caldwell County, signaling the beginning of the construction process for the Permian Highway Pipeline Project.
The project — a 42-inch, 430-mile natural gas pipeline — will run from West Texas to the Gulf Coast, may begin in a matter of weeks in Caldwell County.
According to Kinder Morgan Vice President of Public Affairs Allen Fore, the energy infrastructure company has received all of the necessary permits required to move forward with construction.
Fore noted the flags being placed indicate all of the right of ways affected by the project, while the access signs indicate where construction crews will be able to access project sites.
The next step in the process for the project will be trenching and bringing in materials needed for construction, Fore said.

To see the rest of this article, pick up a copy this week’s Post-Register


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