
Letters – Bluebonnet chief speaks to line cuts


To the Editor:
Last Monday, a contractor moving overhead electric lines along SH 130 cut an underground fiber optic cable in Caldwell County running between Austin and Lockhart. The contractor did what it was supposed to do before digging – call ahead to determine the location of underground utility lines. In fact, a line locator was on site and identified the placement o

f two active fiber optic lines and one retired line. Except that the retired line was actually active, and when it was severed it interrupted internet and phone service to Caldwell County.

This incident illustrates the importance of practicing and following safety procedures at all times – call before you dig. And still, even though the contractor did, an accident occurred. That fact illustrates the importance of maintaining current and accurate maps of underground utility lines. While this incident was certainly a major inconvenience for those affected, it could have been a public safety issue if that fiber optic line been a live electric line or a natural gas pipeline.

Safety is one of Bluebonnet’s foundation values. We encourage everyone to be safe and call before you dig. For more information on locating underground utility lines call toll free 800-DIG-TESS (344-8377) or go to

Matt Bentke
Chief Operating Officer
Bluebonnet Electric Cooperative


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