
Lions defend home turf against Rebels


By Alonzo Garza

The Lion Varsity basketball team came ready to fight for their home turf on Tuesday, Jan. 23. They kept Hays and their Rebels in retreat mode throughout the entire night. With little more than a Rebel whimper and a few flashes of resistance, the Rebel forces crumbled under the brilliantly executed defensive plays by the charging Lio

ns. Lockhart’s offense was not bad, either. The Lions kept the lead through out all four quarters of the game. They led the scoring in each of the first three quarters and let the Rebels lead the scoring in the last quarter only. By then the game belonged to the Lions.
The highest scoring came from Terrance Waldon who put 15 points on the board for the Lions and Jonathan Gonzales who made a 13-point contribution. The rest of the scoring came from Alex Joseph with nine points, Kerry Lampkin with seven points, Clayton Parker with five, Michael Schulle with four and Dustin Garza with three. The Rebels surrendered in the final quarter of a tough battle with a score of 56-48.

The first quarter of the game was crucial and the Lions made sure they were ahead, at any cost, by the end of the quarter. The Lions fought a good fight and closed the first quarter with 14 points on the scoreboard. The Rebels trailed behind a mere three points with 11 points on the board. The first quarter ended with a 14-11 score. Scoring for the Lions were Joseph with a couple of two pointers and a three pointer for a total of seven points, Gonzales with a three pointer and a two pointer for a total of five points and Lampkin with a two point shot.
The Lions charged ahead during the second quarter and kept the Rebels back as much as they could. The Rebels were able to add 16 points to their score but the Lions added 21 points to their score ending the first half of the game with a score of 35-27. Scoring in the second quarter came from Waldon who contributed a couple of two pointers and three free throws for a total of seven points. Parker added five points with a three pointer and a two pointer. Schulle added four points with a couple of two pointers. Garza made a three point shot and Joseph made a two point shot.
The second half of the game started with a close third quarter. The Lions scored 16 points and allowed the Rebels to score 13 points. Both teams were determined but the Lions outplayed the Rebels both offensively and defensively during the third. The quarter ended with a score of 51-40. Scoring in the third came from Gonzales who made two three point shots for a total of six points. Waldon also contributed six points in the form of two three-pointers. Lampkin added four points with a couple of two point shots.
The fourth quarter had both teams struggling to stay in the game. Both teams were so tired they could not get their fourth quarter scoring out of the single digits. The Lions let the Rebels score eight points while they put five additional points on the board for a final score of 56-48 for the game. Scoring in the last quarter came from Waldon and Gonzales each with a two point shot. Lampkin added a free throw rounding out the last five points of the game.
Junior Varsity
The Junior Varsity basketball team lost by only seven points and once again, they lost the game in the first quarter. The Rebels charged right on through to the other side and scored a total of 14 points while the Lions were only able to add four points to the scoreboard in the first quarter. The JV Lions played “catch up” for the rest of the night. The game ended with a triumphant JV Rebel team and a final score of 41-34.
The first quarter was a tough one for the Lions. The Rebels allowed only four points from the Lions while they piled on 14 points for a 14-4 score. Scoring in the first came from Joseph Torrez who made a three point shot and Octavio (T.J.). Terrazas made a free throw.
The JV Lions showed a remarkable improvement in the second quarter. They added 10 points to their score and allowed only eight points from the JV Rebels. The second quarter ended with a score of 22-14. Scoring for the Lions in the second were John Henry Alvarez with a three pointer and a free throw for a total of four points, Torrez and Stephen Brumley each made a two point shot and Jeremiah Johnson made two free throws.
The JV Lions ramped up their game in the third quarter and outscored the Rebels 12-8 but it was not enough. The quarter ended with a score of 30-26. Only four points kept the Lions from a win at the end of the third. Scoring in the third came from Torrez, Brumley and Ryan Carrasco each with a three pointer and Johnson with a two pointer and a free throw.
Aware that only four points kept them from a win the Rebels charged on to the court in the final quarter of the game. They kept the Lions pressured enough to score a mere eight points and added an additional 11 points to their final score. Scoring for the Lions in the fourth quarter came from Christian Estrada with a couple of two pointers and Brumley and Carrasco with a two point shot each. The game ended in a 41-34 loss for the Lions.
The Lions will be going up against Clemens at the LHS gym on Friday, Feb. 2. Please come out and support your Lion teams.
See you at the game.


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