
Livier Martinez


Mrs. Livier Martinez, 49, beloved Mother and Sister, was called to her eternal resting place on February 5, 2021. She entered this world on August 2, 1971 in Mazamitla, Guadalajara, Mexico born to Salvador and Librada Magana. She is survived by her husband Pedro Martinez; daughter Kimberly Martinez and husband Edmundo Ramirez; son Aiden Ramirez; son Jeremiah Ramirez; son Natanael Ramirez; daughter Livi Martinez and husband Nick Perez; son Adriel Perez; daughter Layla Perez; youngest daughter Sonia Martinez; brother Francisco Magana and wife Faustina Magana; niece Esmeralda Ibarra and husband Rigoberto Ibarra, Jr.; nephew Julian Ibarra; nephew Jason Ibarra; sister Lourdes Curtis and husband Lance Curtis; nephew Tony Barajas; niece Lupita Barajas; niece Sonia Barajas; niece Noemi Barajas; sister Fidelia Magana and husband Ramiro Magana; nephew Ramiro Magana, Jr.; nephew Rolando Magana; niece Melinda Magana; nephew Andres Magana; niece Brenda Magana; sister Sonia Magana; sister Yolanda Magana; niece Elizabeth Magana; sister Rosalina Curtis and husband Nathan Curtis; nephew Jonathan Grijalva and wife Jessica Grijalva; nephew Josiah Grijalva; niece Destinee Gutierrez; nephew Elijah Grijalva; niece Ayana Grijalva; nephew Christopher Grijalva and wife Virginia Grijalva; brother Salvador Magna and wife Evelyn Magana; nephew Isaiah Magana; nephew Machael Magana; nephew Jay Jay Magana; sister Martha Rodriguez and husband Angel Rodriguez; nephew Angel Pollo Rodriguez; niece Miley Rodriguez ; sister Maria Rodriguez and husband Jose Rodriguez; niece Ivy Rodriguez; niece Sarah Rodriguez; nephew Jay Rodriguez; niece Emily Rodriguez; sister Yuri (Princess) Magana.Visitation will be at DeLeon Funeral Home on Thursday, February 11, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. Funeral service will be at 1:00 p.m. at DeLeon Funeral Home. Burial will follow in the Lockhart City Cemetery.


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