Ocaso tries hand as Tank Town’s first eatery

In another era, the area of Pecos Street near the railroad tracks known as “Tank Town” served a purely utilitarian purpose. The tall metal tanks on the property were used by grain brokers who stored grain and sold it when the price was right.
Fast forward to 6 p.m. Friday evening, and the erstwhile agribusiness site at 805 N. Pecos purchased by Amanda West and Ian Stowe in 2019 will take a step toward becoming an open-air community gathering place with the opening of pop-up food trailer Ocaso, Tank Town’s first commercial food establishment.
Lockhart’s newest pop-up eatery will feature Argentine-inspired cuisine by chef Mike Torres, who is perhaps best known locally as the owner of the Gold Epicure, a downtown eatery that once famously made its home in a 1957 Chevrolet truck.
Read the full story in this week’s Lockhart Post-Register.