
Operation Safe Speed


Caldwell County Sheriff’s Office

On Jan. 9, the Caldwell County Sheriff’s Office, and the Constables of all precincts within Caldwell County began a county wide traffic initiative called “operation safe speed.” This initiative was born out of the increased complaints across the county of speeding, aggressive driving, and a myriad of other traffic issues.

Each office will pick two days a week in their precinct as well as times and locations for their week. These times and locations are based on traffic complaints, accident data as well as officer experience. 

This initiative will run until March 29. The number of contacts during this initiative will be collected and available should anyone want the information. Also, this information will be used to determine its effectiveness in reducing the number of complaints and accidents. 

If you have any questions, please contact the Caldwell County Sheriff’s Office at 512-398-6777 ext. 4502. You may also contact your Constable Precinct for further information.


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