San Marcos Rattlers strike down Lions 84-50


By Alonzo Garza

The Varsity Lions hosted the San Marcos Rattlers at the Lion’s Den on Tuesday, Feb. 3 and fell 84-50 after a game which may have been lost in the first quarter.

The Lions started out slow, ending the first quarter with a 21-point deficit and a score of 24-3. Xavier Moore scored a two-pointer and Janovus Croomes made a free


The second quarter was the best-scoring period for the Lions. They scored 25 points and allowed 23 by the Rattlers, ending the first half at 47-28.

Moore sank seven free throws in the second. Mario Martinez made a pair of two-point shots and two free throws. Christian Estrada added five points with a free throw and a pair of two-pointers. Dustin Watkins made a three-pointer. J.C Winkler and Adam Renteria each made two free throws.

After the halftime break, the Lions came back cold scoring only six points and allowing 22 from the Rattlers. Third period scoring ended at 69-34.

Moore made two free throws, while Octavio Terrazas and Ricky Rodriguez each made a two-point shot.

The Lions outscored the Rattlers again in the fourth quarter. They scored 16 points and allowed 15 by the Rattlers, ending the game at 84-50.

Rodriguez sank a three-pointer, two-pointer and a free throw in the fourth. Estrada made a pair of two-point shots, Moore made a two-pointer and a free throw and Croomes made three free throws.

The Lions traveled to Manor on Tuesday, Feb. 10 and will host Hays at the Lion’s Den on Friday, Feb. 13. Check next week’s Post-Register for scores and highlights.

See you at the game.


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