
Coats for Kids enjoys banner year


By Kyle Mooty

LPR Editor

The 35th year of Coats for Kids in Lockhart certainly had numbers — there were 250 new coats handed out, as were 46 new backpacks, more than 270 pair of gloves, more than 200 pair of Bombas socks, and more than 200 handmade beanies.

However, the overriding theme of Saturday’s event were the smiles it brought to those wishing to be a little warmer during the cold.

All of those numbers added up to a giant collective smile at the annual Coats for Kids event at the First Methodist Church gymnasium in Lockhart.

“We’re looking forward to next year,” said an ecstatic Clint Mohle, who heads the event. “We couldn’t do it without the community.”

Among the assistance were the leftover backpacks from Connie Amaya. She has a back-to-school backpack giveaway each summer.

Church of Christ donated 270 pairs of gloves. First Christian Church donated the Bombas socks. And five ladies of the First Methodist Church handmade more than 200 beanies that were given to visitors Saturday.

Mohle said businesses such as Macy’s in Austin and Printing Solutions in Lockhart made the event special, but said he couldn’t possibly remember everyone who helped.

Also, Mohle said a couple new to Lockhart for only about eight weeks attended and helped out with their bilingual capability.


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