
Heating system at Caldwell County Jail experiencing mechanical difficulties


By Kristen Meriwether, Editor LPR

The Caldwell County Jail is experiencing some mechanical difficulties with their HVAC/heating system, according to a statement Sheriff Mike Lane sent to LPR.

“Some cells do not have heat and others do,” the statement said. “Inmates have been moved out of the coldest cells. Inmates in the colder cells have been given extra blankets and thermals to get through this unprecedented event.”

Sheriff Lane said they have been in contact with the Texas Commission on Jail Standards and have been keeping them up to date with the cell temperatures, as well as efforts to remedy the problem.

In a picture of irony, the jail was set to undergo construction on an entirely new HVAC/heating system on Feb. 16. The project was postponed by the construction company on Feb. 12 due to inclement weather.

The jail recently had an increase in COVID cases, but as of Feb. 16 there were only five inmates with active positive tests. There are 24 inmates under COIVD quarantine, and two staff members with positive COVID tests.

The jail is located inside Lockhart city limits. Lockhart, as well as numerous surrounding counties are experiencing water shortages or lack of water. Lockhart residents have been ordered to boil water until further notice due to critically low supply levels. Sheriff Lane said the jail had bottled water on hand.


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