
John Frederick Hinnenkamp


John Frederick Hinnenkamp, husband, father, grandfather, and beloved friend to
many, went to be with the Lord early on Monday, July 11th, 2022, at Seton Hospital in
John was born in Denver, Colorado on July 26, 1948. He was the second (after
Gerald, or Jerry) son born to Fred and Mary Alma Hinnenkamp. Fred and Mary Alma had
two more sons, Mark and Michael (Mike), who survive him.
John attended schools in Lockhart and at St. Joseph Military Academy. For the rest
of his life, John spoke with pride of the military school he attended in Hays, Kansas, which helped shape
his life.
John met Deborah Jo (Debbie) Buckner, in 1973 at the Lockhart Dairy Queen. They
were married for 43 years. In 1989 they were blessed with the birth of daughter Brianna,
She married Michael Oliva, and soon, John and Debbie were the proud grandparents of
Luca Oliva, who adored his grandfather.
John had many skills. He was a gifted carpenter and outdoorsman. He was a real
estate agent, and later proudly wore the badge of Deputy Sheriff for Travis County,
Texas. After retiring from the Travis County Sheriff’s Department, he served as bailiff for
Caldwell County’s District Courts and as security deputy to the Caldwell County Judge.
A lifetime member of the Commemorative Air Force and a licensed pilot, he spent
many hours volunteering for that organization. He had adventures of several lifetimes
having broken most of the bones in his body, cheated death jumping out of airplanes,
flying airplanes, and riding Harleys. He was one heck of a barbeque cook, and along
with Debbie, shared countless hours entertaining family and friends. Friday nights at
their home were filled with great food, loud peals of laughter, occasional insults, and just
a lot of fun.
The two most important things in John’s life were his Christian faith, and an intense
love for his family. John was baptized into the Catholic Church and was a devout follower
of Christ. John was a charter member of Council 8131, Knights of Columbus, and truly
lived the motto of the Texas Knights of Columbus, “Be Not Afraid.”
Along with his immediate family, and brothers Mark (and wife Lynda) and Mike, John
is survived by nieces Dyanna Hinnenkamp Matthews, Genevieve Hinnenkamp Cardozo,
and Jennifer Hinnenkamp Ayres, and nephew Brandon Hinnenkamp. And by hundreds
of friends who miss him mightily.
The few words in this obituary do not do John Hinnenkamp justice. He had a heart as
big as God’s outdoors. He was a gifted storyteller, He was a wonderful husband, father,
and grandfather. He was interesting, fun, and always willing to extend a helping hand.
God has received this wonderful man into his arms, and Lockhart, Caldwell County,
and Earth, our island home, are much the poorer by his passing. Rest in Peace, John.
Your earthly travels are over, and your new adventure has begun!
Services will be held on Tuesday, July 26, 2022, at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Lockhart,
TX, at 10am. In lieu of flowers, the family requests a donation to St. Jude’s Children’s
Research Hospital or The American Heart Association as both were dear to the
Hinnenkamp’s hearts.


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