Letters – Reader praises Veteran Services Officer


To the Editor:
I would like to express my sincere thanks to Anna Wagner, the Veterans Affairs officer for Caldwell County. The woman truly cares, and it is so refreshing to know.

My Daddy, Preston Leon Riddle, a veteran of the Army Air Corps in World War II, recently passed away. I was able to locate the Veterans Affairs officer, Mrs. Wagner, and she was so, so kind an

d understanding – and totally on top of the situation. She set up the flag ceremony at the cemetery. What blew me away more than anything was that at the end of the viewing at the funeral home, Mrs. Wagner (I apologize… I do not know what her rank is) came to the funeral home and saluted Daddy. (I knew she was not “on the clock.” I knew she did this out of respect for another vet.) I was speechless – and for those of you that know me, that never happens.

Since she has been the VA office (in the back of the County Tax office…where you get car tags, etc.) her job has changed from part time to full time. I would like the veterans of Caldwell County know that there is somebody in that office that cares about them. Someone that has been in the trenches herself. She now has regular office hours Monday to Friday. If you have an issue with VA, or questions, she’s the one to go to.

I know she’s looking for extra Christmas decorations to decorate the veteran’s rooms at the nursing homes. By the time this is printed, it’ll probably be too late for this year. But, save what you have extra and get them to her for next year. Our veterans, and our soldiers, deserve to know that they are appreciated and not forgotten.

Thank you, Anna… from the bottom of my heart.
Beverly Riddle Henson


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