Superintendent: School year holds great promise despite COVID challenge
By Mark EstradaLISD Superintendent Our Lockhart Lions returned to school last week, and every member of our team was thrilled ... -
Estrada helps christen innovative facility
On a steamy day in late June, Lockhart ISD Superintendent Mark Estrada and Lockhart Junior High School Principal Edgar Torres ... -
LHS TAFE dominates State competition
By Amber Crabill CONGRATULATIONS Lockhart Texas Association of Future Educators (TAFE) State Competitive Members! Texas Association of Future Educators, competed ... -
Two LISD teachers selected for State Farm Teacher Assist grant
By Kristen Meriwether, Editor LPR Two Lockhart ISD teachers were selected for the State Farm Teacher Assist grant, earning $2500 ... -
LHS valedictorian and Salutatorian speeches
By Kathryn PetersonLockhart High School 2020 Valedictorian And yes, the show will go on because the show always goes on. ... -
Dawn of a new era: Lions’ preseason begins with early morning practices
On Monday morning, Lions Stadium had a Friday night feel to it. The sky was pitch dark as Lockhart’s JV ... -
Maintaining momentum: New volleyball coach Johnson says she’s up to the challenge
An experienced head coach is taking the reins of the Lady Lions volleyball program this year, looking to build on ... -
Student cell phone policy signals changes
This year, if E.T. wants to phone home during the school day, he’ll have to do it from the front ... -
Lockhart ISD searches for new middle school principal, hires band director
LPR staff report Personnel is shifting at Lockhart ISD, which recently announced the departure of its junior high school principal ... -
Talks about academic calendar continue
By Miles Smith Editor/POST-REGISTER A community forum held last week provided the Lockhart school district with some valuable but unsurprising ...